Monday, September 7, 2009

Hello Utah

This poor blog doesn't get updated very often. Here's a quick re- cap of the last month. The weeks have involved packing up my office and temporary housing in Vancouver and sending everything to Utah. Meanwhile coordinating with the vehicle relocation company and the storage company in Montana to bring everything to Utah. This also included a week of site visits in Arizona at one of the company's projects and 2 site visits in Utah. That said, 2 weeks ago I moved into an apartment in Draper, on the pointe, with a really great view of the Salt Lake Valley. I'm really loving the fact that I have a car and its actually quiet at night. What can I say... it's the Industrial Hygienist in me.

Last weekend my brother came home from his Mission in Indiana so I flew to Montana to surprise him and spend the weekend with family. It's amazing how fast 2 years has gone.

It was fun to see my nephews. Here's a couple shots of them. They are getting so big.
I'm told that I will end up in Utah for a year, but we'll see. Anything can happen while I'm on this Graduate Program with Rio Tinto. If Copper hits $3.50 a pound again for sure I would be gone!

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully you get to stick around utah for a you're getting pretty good at moving :) and I bet your brother was happy to see you!
